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1st & 2nd Grade Class Library

I admit it.  I am a children's book collecting junkie.  For the past year, I have been attempting to stop buying so many books at thrift stores, its not easy.  When I see one of my favorites in good shape its like I have little shoulder angels arguing on on whether or not I should buy it.
"I love this book, its wonderful, I can't just leave it here.  It's only 50 cents!"  "You already have a copy of this book."  "I know, but two students could read it at the same time if I got another one.  And what if my other copy gets damaged?  It would be good to have a spare!"  "Don't do it, you can't fit anymore books."

Sometimes the book horder wins, sometimes the common sense wins, you never know. So anyway, I have cut back some on my compulsive book buying!

When you have so many books it is very important to organize them in such a way that the children can easily find books that are right for them.  This is why I do not organize by genre, but by the level of the book.  It's easy and its free.
To find the levels I use  Search for the name of the book and it will give you different information about it.  I use the BL (book level) number and write it with a sharpie on the bottom right corner of the book.  Then I used dish tubs with labels for each level.

Not all books are listed, but most of them are.  For the ones that are not I make a guess on the level based on other books that are a similar difficulty.  I grouped all of my science/animal books separately.  That is one genre that does do better on its own.

At the beginning of the year I start all my first graders with 0 & 1 level books.  My second graders start at 1.5 to 2.5.  As the year goes and their abilities change the progress to reading more difficult levels.

I let them take home one book at a time to read at home.  I give them each a zip-lock bag with their name on it.  Each day they choose a book and put it in their bag to take home.  At night they read the book, write down the title, and the number of minutes they read.  At the end of the month I award prizes for those that read 300 minutes or more.

If you would like a copy of the form click here:  Reading Log.

They really love reading the books, and are usually very good about bringing the books back..And if they don't, well, I can always buy more!!

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