My biggest insecurity as a teacher has always been that I am too nice. I rarely raise my too quiet voice. I admire teachers that seem to just command respect and authority. They seem to have perfect control, kids that walk in wonderful silent lines, and would never dream of swinging their lunchbox into the person next to them.
On the other hand, I don't want to yell at anyone. I don't want them to hate school, I want to develop a mutual respect. I expect them to listen to me, because they know I listen to them. In this, my sixth year I have discovered a system that is really working well for me. I found a neat website: . I like it because I can give and take away points for all the little things that matter, but you don't really want the kids to stand on the fence for, or to write home about. You can customize it to fit the things that are important to you. I give and take away points for following the dress code, having homework done, being helpful, being kind, and being quiet.
Just a note on the quiet in the hallway thing. I wrote all of the kids names on a chalkboard and gave it to a child who's job is hallway monitor. I announce dramatically that the monitor is in the hall, and will erase the name of anyone who talks while they are lining up. Anyone who's name is still on the board gets a point for being quiet. Guess what, they line up quiet! For the first time in six years I have done it!
And what do they get for all this wonderful behavior? That is the best part. After 40 hard earned points they get rewards that cost me either nothing, or almost nothing. Guess what their favorites are: Teacher's helper, playing a game on the ipad, chew gum in class, a homework pass, or good behavior spy.
I used to spend so much money buying little trinkets from Goodwill or ordering from Oriental Trading Company. Now all I have to do is buy a pack of gum, or print homework passes.
Here is a link to the coupons I made. They are only $1.75 for all 24. Or you can just make your own.
Please let me know what tricks have worked for you!