We had a great time in our 1st and 2nd grade, learning about animal habitats.
We learned about 9 different biomes using picture cards with information about each habitat on the back. Desert, Savanna, Prairie, Pond, Shoreline, Tundra, Ocean, Rainforest, and Forest. Then we talked about how each animal belongs in a certain place. A polar bear could never live in the desert! I cut out pictures of animals, (about 3 for each one) and as a class we matched each animal to its correct biome.

Animal Habitats Bundle
We applied what we learned with an in class activity where students had pictures to color, cut out, and glue on to appropriate biomes.
They also completed a diorama project, and simple research page. I assigned each student a habitat diorama to create out of a shoebox. They also had to choose an animal from their habitat and complete a research sheet.
Here are the assignment pages:

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Project Assignment and Animal Research
They did such a great job, I was so proud of them. One of my students had so much fun on his project, his mother told me he has been working on three more!

This is a tree frog in the rainforest biome.

This is the pond biome featuring a large mouth bass and a turtle.

This project was a seagull for the shoreline biome. I love the real feathers!

These are a family of cheetahs in the Savanna.

This student brought in real hermit crabs for the shoreline biome. So awesome!

This is the ocean biome. Nice pictures and colors.

The tundra. Lots of info for different plants and animals.

This is the forest biome. I love the little squirrel in the tree, so cute!

This biome features dolphins in the ocean.

Great job on the rainforest, packed with plants and animals, the parrot is actually flying! I was impressed with the fluffy clouds too. Very cool!